Frequently asked questions

How can I make a booking?

Register your details and an Agent will get back to you.

How can I retrieve a quote?

Register your details for a quote with details of your travel requirements such as the destination, duration and number of travellers.

How do I make a payment for a booking?

Access the portal you used to make the booking and a payment link should pop up once your booking has all the relevant details for all passengers. Alternatively contact us and we can send you the payment link or take payment directly from you using the payment portal.

Can I make a booking for large party of people?

Yes, an agent can enquire with various suppliers to meet your requirements.

Can I book without registering or signing up?


Are my details safe and secure once registered or signed up?

Yes, all information is protected under General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) .

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, terms and conditions apply based on the supplier and the time of booking with relation to the date of the booking and or the departure.